Friday, February 19, 2010

a little bit about me

For those of you who don't know me, I'm S.L. Wyman. I'm an author and am working hard to become published. I plan on self publishing, if all else fails, but I thought I would try putting my work here and see how well people respond to it. First of all, I have a Bachelor's in English from Saginaw Valley State University and have been writing since the age of 8 or 9 and decided on my career choice somewhere around age four. I was born to do this and there is nothing I live for more than to create and tell an excellent tale. I generally write Fantasy/Science Fiction-esque stories and prefer the novel format, though I also do occasionally dab in poetry and short stories. I will post what I can when I can and keep you all updated as often as I can on what I'm working on and take you through as much of my creative process as I can. I hope that this will inspire me to kick the eternal writer's habits of perfectionism and procrastination as well as, hopefully, inspire other writers out there. It's a brutal profession, no matter what they tell you, and it's not easy. Know that you are not alone and that, if you have the strength and fortitude, this is the most rewarding career/lifestyle on the planet. I say lifestyle because writers are not made. They are born. Good writers are made and it takes years of hard work and dedication so, for those of you struggling, don't give up! My hope is that, through this, I can achieve my goals and thus, help others reach theirs. Before I go, I just want to say a few words of thanks. First of all, my parents. They're great. They've put up with me for longer than anyone else and have always stood by me, no matter how tough the road. They have set the bar for me for what it means to be a parent. I currently live with them and our four precocious chihuahuas so that should tell you right there how much they love me. Lol! Secondly, I want to thank all of my friends who persistently pestered me to do this and helped me start, improve, and expand my career, my life, and my thinking. They are my family, even if not bound by blood. Thanks guys! Next, I want to thank the man who's loved me more than just about anyone ever has. My go-to guy, my partner (in crime), my inspiration, and my other half. Thanks Herb. There's a reason your name'll go on certain bylines right alongside mine. Lastly, to my writer's group: Thoughts to Fruition. To infinity and beyond, guys. You're all doing a majorly awesome job! Okay. That being said, enjoy all. As some of these may be works in progress and editing will take some time, comments, thoughts, and constructive criticisms will be greatly appreciated. Flaming, nasty comments, and general rudeness will not be tolerated. You will be summarily ignored and blocked. You have been warned. Later!