Thursday, September 23, 2010

Just a little FYI and update

Thought I would just take a moment and give everyone a quick heads up. Chapters Eight and Nine are now up with Chapter Ten soon to come. I will continue to update and edit as we go along and I wanted to thank those that have supported me. You guys are what keeps me going! I also thought I should take a moment to be a responsible author (sigh, lol) and reiterate that there may be some adult language, situations, etc. in my work. I follow my muse wherever she wants to lead me and sometimes that place can be pretty graphic, violent, or well...inappropriate for children. That being said, those who don't care to partake in such things or who are under sixteen or seventeen might want to reconsider following some of these stories. I will try to be better about marking them so that people will know which ones to avoid if they don't care to partake and just because it's clean now doesn't mean it will stay that way in the future so I thought I should just make everyone aware. Thank you all for your time and I hope you enjoy the next installment.

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