Thursday, October 28, 2010

Many apologies

I know it's been a damn long time coming but I assure you, I am working hard on Chapter Thirteen of Obsidian Gate. I'm hoping to have it done and up in time for Halloween or at least All Saint's Day. I have been hard at work on character profiles and editing, however, and, if you skim through the earlier chapters, you'll see that I've done a bit of tweaking here and there. I've added a new twist to Dan's missing necklace problem that I hope you all will like so be sure to skim through those changes so you don't miss or misinterpret the next couple of chapters. I've got some major surprises for everyone and I truly and humbly apologize for taking so long to update. Procrastinators should never try to set their own deadlines. grrr! Well, hope you all have enjoyed these so far and really would love to hear your thoughts and inputs on anything you see here. More will be coming, I assure you!

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