Friday, August 29, 2014

Character List - Obsidian Gate

I got thinking about it and it occurred to me that maybe people might be having trouble keeping up with who's who in the Obsidian Gate series, so... here's a character list and hope it keeps things simple while I finish my current projects. I will update and add to this post as time goes on so keep checking back:

The Sirens - a group of Private Detectives based out of New York. Membership includes the following people:

Alexandra Lee - a half Mexican, half Japanese pyrokinetic. She's a mutant with a mysterious and obviously painful past. She's totally over the moon for Danthias Silverbow but has raging issues to deal with concerning her past. While the Sirens are her brain child, her half sister, Sarah Lee, is the undisputed organizer and quasi-leader of the group. Al is fun, flirty, and a bit of a daredevil but is trying to calm her irresponsible ways and settle down as an actual cop

Sarah Lee - Alex's older half sister - a Japanese telepath with some telekinetic and empathic abilities as well - She's as stoic and grounded as her sister is whimsical and impulsive.

Linnelle Cassidy - one of Sarah and Al's oldest friends - Linn is a witch with fae, Elven, and mutant ancestry that've left her with rather unique abilities - she's the step-sister of Jennifer Cassidy and cousin to Lyra Kelley - feisty and independent, she talks with a thick Irish brogue

Jennifer Cassidy - Linn's step-sister and one of the four founding members of the Sirens with Linn, Sarah, and Al - a mutant genius who specializes in computers, science, and information gathering - She's a super hacker and the mind behind most of the clever gadgets that the Sirens use - shy and quiet, she easily befriends just about everyone.

Marissa Li Fang - a lycanthrope with most unusual heritage - She's the gun bunny and battering ram of the Sirens. Blunt, tough, and no nonsense, she's the strong arm of the Sirens and, oddly enough, one of the people Dan connects with most

Let's Try This Again, Shall We?

Well, it's certainly been a while so here's the scoop: My computer died and it's taken me forever to get all my old websites, etc. all back and running again, including passwords and access to this blog. Hopefully there won't be any more glitches along those lines but I'm still in the middle of a major overhaul and transferring things onto my new computer and backing them up. This process is being very complicated by the fact that I finally moved into my own place in April of 2013, then had some serious life events happen. My mother had a major aneurism and nearly died in August of 2013, right before I had to move from the new place that I had just moved into. She was in the hospital until about a month before Christmas and then went right back into the hospital the day after. This was not a small thing. They airlifted her from Standish to Saginaw and the doctor on call told the chopper that if it wasn't in the air in three minutes, he was sending her via ambulance instead. She couldn't wait. My father was told to prepare for the worst, that she probably wouldn't make it and they had to put nine bags of blood into her tiny body. It was the scariest day of my life and I'm sure for my father as well and I was trying to move, plan one of my best friends' weddings, and get ready to go back to school in the Fall of 2013 as well. So, naturally, in the midst of all that, there would not have been any updating. Then, mom went back into the hospital shortly after my first semester and did not get out again until the following April or so due to two more major surgeries that were almost as risky as the first one and it's a miracle she made it through all three and got enough of a clean bill of health to make it home. She's doing well but recovering very, very slowly and all of this has taken a toll on her. If you add all of that on top of totally redoing and updating my work, taking classes pretty much year round, trying to keep up with bills and a household, while also putting together and updating a professional profile, you can see where that would add up to not a whole lot of time for anything else. I'm going to start including updating this in my round of doing things. I have a massive list of things to accomplish and these next two weeks might be spotty but by the end of September I would like to be able to start updating once a week with something, no matter how small, just to make this a regular habit again and to start promoting this and getting my work out there. It's long past time I got serious and made this the living I want it to be someday. I will keep updating where and when I can but please be patient and please understand that life happens, sometimes for years in a row, and things can get crazy. My intent is not to allow this to happen again but well, the best of intentions and all.... We'll see how this goes, take it step by step, and hopefully start moving towards a much more professional, published, and polished version of myself. Thank you all who are still out there for your patience and understanding.
