Friday, August 29, 2014

Character List - Obsidian Gate

I got thinking about it and it occurred to me that maybe people might be having trouble keeping up with who's who in the Obsidian Gate series, so... here's a character list and hope it keeps things simple while I finish my current projects. I will update and add to this post as time goes on so keep checking back:

The Sirens - a group of Private Detectives based out of New York. Membership includes the following people:

Alexandra Lee - a half Mexican, half Japanese pyrokinetic. She's a mutant with a mysterious and obviously painful past. She's totally over the moon for Danthias Silverbow but has raging issues to deal with concerning her past. While the Sirens are her brain child, her half sister, Sarah Lee, is the undisputed organizer and quasi-leader of the group. Al is fun, flirty, and a bit of a daredevil but is trying to calm her irresponsible ways and settle down as an actual cop

Sarah Lee - Alex's older half sister - a Japanese telepath with some telekinetic and empathic abilities as well - She's as stoic and grounded as her sister is whimsical and impulsive.

Linnelle Cassidy - one of Sarah and Al's oldest friends - Linn is a witch with fae, Elven, and mutant ancestry that've left her with rather unique abilities - she's the step-sister of Jennifer Cassidy and cousin to Lyra Kelley - feisty and independent, she talks with a thick Irish brogue

Jennifer Cassidy - Linn's step-sister and one of the four founding members of the Sirens with Linn, Sarah, and Al - a mutant genius who specializes in computers, science, and information gathering - She's a super hacker and the mind behind most of the clever gadgets that the Sirens use - shy and quiet, she easily befriends just about everyone.

Marissa Li Fang - a lycanthrope with most unusual heritage - She's the gun bunny and battering ram of the Sirens. Blunt, tough, and no nonsense, she's the strong arm of the Sirens and, oddly enough, one of the people Dan connects with most

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