Sunday, March 28, 2010

Where it all began - Part One

Hey all! Well, here it is. The first official story post. I apologize if this is short and the whole thing isn't quite here but I'm working on a deadline and have to be to work soon. Promise I'll get the rest up ASAP.

Quick little blurb about what this is about: this is where the main character from my Sirens series, Alexandra Lee started out. Her past is dark and I should warn everyone that there may be a bit of swearing and violence in this one so, if you are offended by such things, you have been warned. I hope you all enjoy and feel free to post and comment as need be.

Where It All Began - by S.L. Wyman

New Mexico

Pain reverberated through the young woman's body as she struggled to remain conscious. She wasn't sure how many bullets had pierced her, exactly where they were located, or how deep they had penetrated, but she was certain she was going to die. Her body felt cold, distant, as if she were floating somewhere above it, transparent. A small part of her railed that she was too young to die, that she had too much to live for, but the majority of her just wanted to let it all end, to escape the pain. She felt her vision failing and, as she sank into darkness, the last thing she saw was the smoking barrel of the gun that had killed her. Alone and drifting in the darkness, she remembered...

Several Hours Earlier...

Alexandra sat alone outside the small church staring at the desert and lost deep in thought. The fake i.d. tucked away in the small, white beaded purse she had bought just for this special occasion proclaimed her age as 18 but she was actually a year younger and several months pregnant to boot. She and her fiance had both agreed it was the only way to get married without raising several red flags.

Said fiance wandered slowly out onto the deck in front of the church where his perspective bride sat with her legs dangling over the edge of the railing. Alex's pretty white beaded satin gown was drawn up to prevent it from getting dirty and she looked pensive, almost sad. At the sound of her man's approach, the young woman turned and smiled, taking in his appearance. Remy was 21 and with the lean cut of someone who worked out and exercised regularly. Alexandra's skin had taken on a soft, tan glow but his remained nearly as pale as snow, despite his every attempt since they had moved to New Mexico. Being half French and half Irish, Remy burned extremely easy, however, it was a testament to how much he loved his fiancee that he'd agreed to live in Santa Fe.

He wore the white tuxedo she'd picked out for him proudly and with much flare. The golden accent threads sewn throughout were fake but they were tastefully done and added class to the outfit, bringing out the subtle peach undertones of Remy's skin. His bright red hair flared out around his head like a halo, trailing just past his shoulder blades. Today, he'd caught it back in a ponytail, slim and graceful. How she envied him his well behaved hair! A vibrant red rose rested in his lapel pocket and his smile was bright, as he came to sit next to the beautiful woman he intended to marry.

"You alright, chere?" Remy asked, his Louisiana Cajun accent thick with concern.

"You sure we're doin' the right thing?" Alexandra asked softly, her own Southern twang thick, as she snuggled closer to the young man.

* I know this is a horrible place to cut it off but I do have to go to work. I promise to get more up no later than tomorrow. I hope it wasn't too boring and I promise it'll get good from here on out!*

1 comment:

  1. A nice piece of descriptive introduction. Liked the almost sexual nature of talking about bullets piercing and penetrating - interesting use of imagery.

    Watch out for overuse of the tag "the young woman" / "the young man".

    You're also avoiding giving these characters a name, to give mystery, and yet despite this we're privy to intimate details about them like their age, their pregnancy, their half-french/irishness, so it feels only right given the extra info we're privy to to also give up their name at this point.


