Monday, April 26, 2010

Some more about Al's World

I know that this is long overdue and, for that, I apologize. Work, as usual, has been sucking my life like crazy. Thought I would give you all a little something, however, to look at until I post again. I have been working diligently on my many writing projects every night so there will be something for you all to read very soon. I just have to transcribe it into a post. For now, however, I thought I would give you all a little more in depth look at the world in which most of my stories take place and a bit more information on one of the many races that coexist there along with us humans.

I'll start out with a bit of historical background. Some of this you may already know but I hope that by doing it all more in depth, you will all understand a bit more of the world where Alex and her friends come from.

First of all, there are many things out of the ordinary that exist in this version of Earth. You can call it paranormal, supernatural, or preternatural but that's all just basically fancy words for saying "other" or "outside of mundane human experience." Many creatures and races of myth and legend do exist and have as long as our world has existed. However, most of the paranormal creatures and races have always been so much smaller in population and influence than the humans that they have never really had the chance to expand the way humans have. Even when they were numerous, they were skittish, isolated, and very wary of outsiders so the stories about them tend to survive mostly as myths and legends. However, the humans have always suspected and, at some points in history, known they were not alone. The newest period of this enlightenment began around the turn of the century and the Industrial Revolution.

The first of the major paranormal groups finally allowed themselves to be studied for science and in the interest of creating a peaceful coexistence. Up to this point, these people had been hiding themselves as best they could among normal humans. After this, however, it would be impossible for them to go back. The scientists were astounded at the samples they were given and the observations that were made because the conclusion of the research was one that rocked the foundations of Earth forever. Humans were not the only species of sentient, intelligent life to exist on the planet. While these people that they studied had the same base genetic code as humans and could even be born to humans, they were not the same. These people were given the name homo mutatis and the following are facts that the world as we know it now knows about the people who would come to be called mutants or, more commonly, paranormals, the very first to earn the name that would later be applied to a much larger group.

First of all, no one is exactly certain who actually is a mutant at birth. They have the same DNA and basic genetic structure as a human, at least when speaking about blood. Physically, some can have a slightly different structure but that will be explained later. Most mutants, however, display no actually outward, physical signs of being a mutant and their "powers" or "abilities" if you will don't normally kick in until at least puberty. That being said, these powers manifest themselves usually between the ages of 11 and 21 but have been, in rare cases, known to manifest as early as birth and as late as 30. A mutant who has not yet shown any type of power or ability is said to be in the "latent" stage.
Knowing who will be a mutant is further complicated by the fact that no two people manifest the same way and no two mutants are exactly alike, not to mention the fact that their powers are usually different. Inherited powers are common but the powers themselves vary radically. Some are psychic abilities, such as telepathy, telekinesis, or the various forms of elemental kinesis. Others are physical manifestations, such as odd hair and skin tone, gills, tails, etc. Even those are not necessarily the same, though most do tend to be at least biologically useful, not just decorative, i.e. if someone has gills, they are usually functional and that person can breathe water as well as air. To put it shortly, a mutant can be born to two humans, two mutants, or a mixed couple or each of those couples can give birth to a perfectly mundane human baby. It's just a matter of random genetics.

We don't know every detail about how mutant genetics works but here's the gist of it: When the mutant's powers manifest, it is because of the mutation of a certain gene, sometimes more than one, within their genetic structure. Science knows that this occurs but they have failed, as of right now, to nail down specifically which gene it is because each mutant is so unique but they have pinpointed at least one gene that always changes when a mutant begins to manifest. They have jokingly called this "Gene X" as a gag reference to the X-Men comic books but are working on a more scientific term for it. Also, for some reason, a fluke of genetics makes one small prediction about mutants possible. If a child of two mutants manifests, they will be much stronger in the magnitude of their power than a child of a mixed couple or humans. These dual mutant children also tend to have much flashier and destructive powers, though it's not always the case. Children of mixed heritage tend to be stronger and with much flashier powers than those of a human but have a stronger chance to have a more normal human physiology than dual mutant children. Children of normal humans who become mutants tend to have powers that are either very subtle, very weak, or both. Children of humans tend to have less of a chance of actually being a mutant in the first place, as well, and also almost never manifest any kind of physical mutation. What physical manifestations that do rarely occur among these mutants is never anything flashy or readily apparent and can easily be mistaken for a simple birth defect (extra thumb nail, missing piece of an earlobe, etc.).

Another quirk of mutant genetics grants them increased endurance, strength, and stamina. The strength is rare and almost always still within normal human parameters and usually only manifests in a few dual mutant children. Most mutants however have great immune systems and above average endurance and stamina. They heal slightly better, can take more physical punishment, and almost never get sick, at least not with small, little things like a cold or flu. They are not, sadly, immune to any of the nastier diseases that affect mankind. They can get STD's, cancer, and can contract lycanthropy. They can also become vampires but the effect the vampirism has on their abilities is as random as the chances of being a mutant in the first place. It can increase, dampen, and even permanently remove their powers. Also, mutants who are children of two humans do not get the benefit of the added endurance and health. They tend to get sick, etc, just as often as a normal human.

It should also be noted that the number of mutants overall has been rising slowly since WWII. In the 1960's, mutants went through a small Civil Rights movement of their own and finally were recognized by Congress. The world was made aware of their existence in an official capacity, though it had been an all but open secret since around 1900. They were added to the Constitution and granted the same rights as any normal American, though some people do still discriminate against them. That being said, don't call them "muties." They hate that. Also, it should be noted that mutants with psychic powers are called, as a whole psionicists, psi, mindbenders, or psychs. Truthfully, though, mindbender is a misnomer because it's actually a very mean term for a telepath, someone who can read minds and project their thoughts, etc., into someone else's head. Each type of psionicists also has their own terminology and terms. For instance, someone who can lift and affect objects with their mind is called a telekinetic and the power is called telekinesis. Each one is unique and varied and, while psychic powers are the most numerous and widely varied of all mutant powers, they also tend to have the most complications.

Currently, the mutant population is broken done roughly like this number wise: The actual mutant population is something like one fourth of the world's actual population. Of these, one in every hundred thousand is a psychic. Of those one hundred thousand, about one in every thousand is a telekinetic (telepathy, of course, being the most numerous of the psychic abilities). For every ten of these telekinetics born, four die young and five go hopelessly insane. It should also be noted that 80% of telepaths either go insane or are mistaken for being insane because they can "hear voices" in their head. On top of that, there is a risk with all psychic gifts of what is called "Burn out." This means, essentially, that the mutant in question puts too much of a strain on their mind and body, thus rendering their gifts, useless. Without someone to guide and help them, many telepaths can't handle the strain and are either admitted to treatment centers or commit suicide. This, according to many experts, may be one of the actual underlying reasons why the rate of teen suicide is so high and continuing to rise, especially with the charts showing progression of mutant population and rise of teen deaths being almost exactly equal.

One in every 2,000 psychics has some form of elemental kinesis. These are cryo- (ice), hydro - (water), electro - (lightning/electricity), aero - (wind/air flow), pyro - (fire), terra - (earth), and atmo - (weather). An elemental kinetic, in short, is someone who can affect one of the mentioned elements with their mind. Someone who has hydrokinesis, for instance, can manipulate water particles and water itself, sometimes to the point of being able to actually generate the element out of thin air. Atmokinesis, terrakinesis, and pyrokinesis are the rarest among these talents, not to mention the most potentially destructive. Nature's way of keeping things in balance, I suppose. Overall, there are only about 5 people worldwide that have actually been documented as being capable of actual, full weather manipulation (and no more than one or two more at most not documented). All but one of those five cases are either hopelessly insane or being monitored/used or both by their respective governments or on a government's most wanted list. In the case of the last one not insane or monitored, he prefers to keep low key and just wants to be left alone. No one has approached him for any reason in a long time and he likes it that way.

There are maybe 30 terrakinetics worldwide but, luckily, all of them are stable. The only one with real power is a woman named Linnelle Cassidy and she presents no threat to the world at large and so has been left alone. An ability that is an offshoot of terrakinesis and a bit more common, though nowhere near as powerful, is chlorokinesis, the ability to manipulate plants. It simulates many Druidic talents and is often mistaken for that kind of power.

Finally, we come to pyrokinesis. It's one of the rarest of all psychic talents. Only about 20 people worldwide have this one. Over half of these people are sliding into hopeless insanity and fast approaching Burn out. The term was originally coined for when a pyrokinetic (also called a pyro or firebug) loses control of their abilities and consumes themselves with it. Unfortunately, every single person born with pyrokinesis tends to be very powerful and those who cannot be helped must be stopped eventually. Alexandra Lee (the main character in the story I posted) is the world's most powerful pyrokinetic and, lucky for us all, very, very stable. Firemen have theorized and are on the verge of proving that nearly all unexplained arson can be laid at the feet of a burgeoning pyrokinetic or one who has started to go insane and lose control of their powers.

Empathy, the ability to feel, sense, and alter the human emotional state, is actually one of the most common mutant psychic abilities and one third of all psychics are at least somewhat empathic. Clairaudience (being able to hear spirits or things distant), Clairvoyance (being able to see spirits or things distant), Mediumship (being able to actually interact with spirits), Object reading (being able to sense events and people by contact with an object), and any form of precognition (fortelling the future, usually through dreams or visions), or postcognition (seeing past events, usually through dreams or visions) all tend to be fairly common. However, those who possess such abilities tend not to have very powerful manifestations of them. Teleportation and any other kind of movement based (psychoportive) psychic gifts are very, very rare. Only about 5-15 people worldwide have these.

There are also a few other minor elemental kinetic abilities but they tend to be rare and usually not manifested with any kind of power. Among these are ferro-, magneto-, lumo-, thermo-, and noxikinesis. Ferrokinetics can bend or manipulate metal. This would be scary if more people had it and could use it to its full potential but most people cannot. Magnetokinesis is just what it sounds like. Like the legendary Marvel comics villain Magneto, these people can generate and manipulate magnetic fields. It is exceedingly rare and only one person worldwide has any kind of strength with it. His name is Adam Westenra and he's definitely one of the good guys. Lumokinesis is the ability to manipulate light. Not many people have it and it tends to be very weak in manifestation. Thermokinetics manipulate temperature and, aside from having their own personal climate control, tend not to be able to affect a very big area. Noxikenetics can manipulate shadows. In theory, they could use this to make them invisible but, again, not many people have this one and none have been recorded who can use it very strongly.

The most common mutations are little things. Unusual hair, skin, or eye color that cannot be explained by natural phenomena, extra limbs that actually work, unusual dexterity or strength, or having fur or scales instead of skin. Another example would be having the ability to shapeshift and take on another form besides that of your own. True shapeshifters who can take on any form they like are very rare but most can alter their appearance in small ways. Those who can take only animal forms can sometimes be confused for lycanthropes but DNA test can show the difference immediately. Some mutants can even heal a great amount of damage rapidly, though none have shown quite the resilience that lycans and vamps have. In short, it just varies.

Well, now that I've explained the world of the psychics, it should also be noted that it's illegal to use any kind of psychic ability, particularly mind controlling type abilities, on anyone without their permission, however, I'll get into the laws another time.

I hope you've all enjoyed this further detailed look at Al's world and I hope to have more for you to read (storywise) pretty soon. If not, I'll at least post another one of these little informative numbers. I hope you enjoy them and hope to hear from everyone soon.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Well, now that I've got that done, I thought everyone might enjoy hearing some of what inspired me to create this piece. Not sure if any of this would be spoilers so be forewarned that it might be a little, if you haven't read the whole thing. First of all, here's a list of the things I was listening to while creating it:

Every breath you take - both the version by the Police and the one by Celtic Thunder - the quitessential stalker song and I think it fits Theo nicely.

Bang, Bang - both the version by Nancy Sinatra and the one by Cher - Like the one by Nancy better because it's much more eerie. It got some attention as the opening song in the credits of Kill Bill: Volume One. The opening scene and song are sort of what kicked this whole part off

Bad Things - Jace Everett - This is the opening song for the TV show True Blood and is very eerie. always reminds me of the opening scenes of the show because it takes place in Louisiana and it shows the Bayou and that dark, still water. Very nice.

Ex-Lover's lovers - Voltaire - This song is ultimate creepy because it's about a guy stalking his ex's new lovers. Reminded me a little of the situation and thought it fit nicely.

Papa don't preach - Madonna - I can just see Al praying to her dad in Heaven every time I hear this song. Makes me think of what she must have been doing right before Remy walked out onto the deck of the Church.

Time after time - Cyndi Lauper - I know this one might not make sense but anyone who's seen the video may remember the scene at the end where she gets on the bus and leaves the man behind. Makes me think of Al imagining Remy standing there and waving goodbye instead of Jan, as the bus pulls away.

Well, there you have it. I use music a lot in my work and these are the main ones that really stood out while I was working. Enjoy and see you next update, which will hopefully be tomorrow or Thursday.

Where it all began - Part Six

* Well here's Part Six and Parts Two - Five have been edited. Additional comments, etc. are always welcome. Enjoy!*

Alex drove for what must have been five miles, then pulled over to the side of the road. She took several long breaths and tried to steady herself and come up with a plan. Simply running away was not going to be enough this time. She'd learned her lesson on that one. The nurse, whose name had turned out to be Jan, had decided to simply be a passenger on this trip and had handed her the keys to her car without a word when they had left the hospital at the end of Jan's shift. The woman had been silent the whole drive, piping in with directions every now and again and leaving Alexandra alone with her thoughts. Right now, those thoughts were threatening to drive Alex mad.

"Mah whole life Ah've been followin' mah instincts, just impulsively divin' from one moment t'the next. Ah can't afford t'do dat now wit' Theo's death squads on mah tail. It'll only be a matter o' time 'fore dey find out Ah'm alive an' kickin'. Ah gotta disappear an' quick! Gotta find someplace big where dey'll never think t'look for me."

After a few moments of deep thought, Alex was able to calm herself down and pulled back out onto the road and headed for the cemetery where Remy and Jean-Claude were buried.
"Ah'll go say g'bye, den Ah'll come up with somethin'."
It was a short drive and the cemetery was very dark and peaceful. The front gates were huge, black wrought iron affairs with scallops and sharp points at the top. They and the high, brick entrance presented no problems and Alex vaulted them without a second thought. The moon was out, a think sliver that nonetheless granted enough light for Alex to see by. The grass was well tended, just slightly damp from watering, and a gentle night hush had fallen over the graveyard, as Alex weaved her way through the graves to the place where her husband and son rested. She stood there in silence, playing with the only piece of jewelry she was wearing. Someone had collected Remy's wedding wedding ring and Alexandra had placed it with her own on a slender, braided chain of yellow and white gold. Together with a few scattered remnants, momentos from her real family that she had been able to save from where she and Remy had been living, the rings were all she had in the world. It made her sad that these few objects were all that remained of the people she had loved more than life itself.

Alex took her time, let her despair overwhelm her and let the grief wash itself out. Then, drying her tears, she knelt on the damp earth and said a brief prayer in English, French, and Spanish. Finished, she turned towards the gate and the waiting escape vehicle. The clouds all parted from the moon and the delicate, silver crescent was strewn about with gentle stars, as if trying to soften the pain coursing through her veins. Alex took one last moment and let the sight and the night air restore her to herself.
Once she was over the gate, she quickly entered her borrowed car and shut the door firmly. Jan sat in the passenger seat, calmly regarding Alexandra with sympathy and infinite patience. The nurse had not spoken, nor moved from that spot while Alex had been in graveyard, allowing Alexandra to take her time and figure things out. Hoping to help herself think, Alex turned the keys just far enough to turn on the radio. Immediately a song blared to life, a gentle, lilting song that Alex had hoped never to hear again this side of Hell.

"Since you've been gone, I've been lost without a trace.
I dream at night, I can only see your face.
I look around but it's you I can't replace.
I feel so cold and I long for your embrace...."

Alex snapped the radio off violently, her breath coming in panicked gasps, as she fought off the stark terror that threatened to assail her mind. She closed her eyes and hurriedly imagined a place where no one could hurt her, where that cursed vampire would never think to go, all the while drowning out Jan's concerned questions.

As she did so, it occurred to her exactly where she could go. There was one place that was so vast, so teaming with people of various races and nationalities that finding one lone girl would be neigh impossible and, to make things even better, it was much farther north than anyone would be expecting her. She had always claimed she would live and die in the South. Alex started the car up and took a deep breath, resolving in her own mind the plan that had just formed. She would cross the state line via bus and buy an atlas. From there, it was off to her new home, hopefully to find peace and a real life far away from all the pain and fear. For the first time in months, Alex allowed a little smile to cross her face. It was an old, familiar grin, a mischievous quirk of the lips on the left side of her mouth, a shit-eating smirk that harkened all kinds of trouble and maybe some of it the kind you wouldn't mind getting into. It was Genevieve Devereaux's smile but that didn't bother Alex at all. Her mind was too filled with possibilities to fret over her old name, her old life. Once she reached her destination, she could find a job, finish school, make something of herself, make a life for herself that had nothing to do with death, killing, or asshole vampires who thought they owned the world. The future was all in front of her and, as far as Alex was concerned, it was all coming up roses from there on out, maybe not without thorns but, sweet nonetheless. She put the car in gear, pulled out onto the road, and resumed her path towards the bus station.

Ten minutes found her standing outside the terminal, bag and ticket in hand, almost unwilling to believe that she was actually here, actually almost free of her past. Jan stood beside her, smiling. The nurse had finally opted to move, walking Alex to the ticket counter without a word and had handed over enough money for a ticket to a station in the next state. Jan looked up at Alex and placed a hand on her shoulder, as a large, sleek, gray bus pulled in behind them.

"I won't ask where you're going. That would be stupid of me. Just take care of yourself, wherever you're going," she said softly.
Alex smiled, trying not to tear up.
"I will."

The bus doors slid smoothly open and Alexandra turned, gathering up her remaining courage to climb the stairs. Handing over her ticket, Alex glanced back briefly to where Jan stood. The woman was smiling and Al knew she would never forget her as long as she lived.
Taking her seat, Alex watched Jan for what seemed only moments before the doors closed and the bus's engine roared to life. Lifting her hand, Alex gave Jan one last wave, just as the bus lurched into motion.
"Thank you," Alex whispered, knowing she would never have been able to get the words out any other way.
Jan's figure seemed to wave back briefly, a moment that was frozen in time, then the bus was cruising out of the parking lot, onto the freeway, seeking the open road. Thoughts of Remy, of the vampire, and of the uncertain new life that awaited her danced around in Alex's head, bringing with them joy, pain, and, above all, hope. As New Mexico began to shrink away in the distance, Alex thought,

"New York, here Ah come."

* Well, there you have it. This section of the story is done. Obviously Alex's story doesn't end there, however. More will be coming soon but I hope you enjoyed this Prologue. Later! *

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Where it all began - Part Five

* Here's part five. Enjoy everyone! :)*

When she had first awakened a week ago, it had been to frantically screaming nurses, smoke, and ash. In her coma, Alex's pyrokinetic abilities had been on auto-pilot and reliving the horrible events that had lead to the death of her husband had not helped. The nightmares had been reoccurring ever since, increasing in intensity. She awoke, more often than not, to the smell of ash and things about to burst into flames. Luckily, no one had figured out how the former hospital had burned down, nor how it had begun in Alex's room. There had been no casualties and, thus far, Alexandra had been able to keep her mutant heritage a secret. Now it would be more difficult. This was happening too frequently to be coincidence. Too many questions would be asked and, sooner or later, the answers to those questions would get back to Theo Delacroix. Then he or his goons would be back to finish what they had started.

Alexandra sighed and rubbed her stomach, now flat as an iron and hard with muscle that was just starting to come back. The scar there was tiny, so perfectly sewn back together that it was nigh unnoticeable, yet, Alex knew each and every ridge of it like the back of her hand. It was where they had performed a c-section in an attempt to save her son from the trauma caused by Alex's injuries. All the doctor's work, however, had come too late. Little Jean-Claude now lay in a cemetery next to his father with a beautiful tombstone covered in etched roses that bore the name LaRose. That damned vampire had cost Alex everything. Just thinking about her little son, imagining what he might have looked like had he grown, brought tears to the woman's eyes, tears she quickly wiped away. The clock at the side of the hospital bed read 3:30 A.M., as good a time as any to put her plans into motion.

Alexandra sat up and composed herself, shooing off the nurse who came running in to check on the smoke alarms that were going off. Alex assured her that everything was fine, a wire too close to something wet, and that there were no flames anywhere. She let the woman check the room over from top to bottom and promised her that everything would be alright. The nurse raced off, determined to report the damage and to see what could be done about repairing damaged machinery. As soon as she was gone, Alex was in motion.

She leaped from her bed and searched the room for something to wear besides hospital clothes. After procuring herself jeans, tennis shoes, socks, a bra, and a t-shirt, the young lady barricaded herself in her bathroom and quickly shoved on the borrowed outfit. Once, while she was struggling into her shoes and socks, Alex glanced in the mirror and felt the side of her head where the metal plate was buried under her skin. The bullet had nearly penetrated her skull and it felt odd to bang on the side of her head and hear it rattle, just like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz. It was an amusing thought but quickly pushed aside.

Sneaking quietly from the room, Alex ghosted over to the nurse's station and quietly helped herself to the first set of keys she found there. She was turned around and almost to the elevator when she heard one of the nurses behind her. The woman was small, barely over five feet tall, with short, mousy brown hair and dark eyes. The nurse didn't look as if she could lift fifty pounds, yet, her gaze held Alexandra as sure as a set of pure iron manacles. Alex shrugged apologetically and handed over the keys she had pilfered, knowing it was useless to try and argue her way out of anything.

"Leaving us, are you?" the nurse asked softly.
"Ah-ah have t'go," Alex stammered, "It isn't safe foh me here."
"If you're worried about the room, don't be. We can clean it up," the woman said cheerfully.
"It-It's not dat," Alexandra finally admitted reluctantly, "I have people after me. Bad people. De kind o' people y'all never wanna meet. Dey already killed a lot o' innocent people an' Ah don't fancy bein' next on dere list."

The woman just stared at her, solemn and pondering. Then, she seemed to perk up, as if deciding something, and gave Alexandra a little smile.
"Normally, I'd be checking you into the psych ward but I've seen the wounds. I was there when they pulled you into the old hospital. I know what was done to you. I won't ask for details or anything but...if you really have to leave, then, at least let me drive you to the bus station. I don't have much but I think I can spare you a bit of money and some old clothes. It may not get you far but, at least it'll get you out of the city, and you'll be on your way."

Alexandra's mouth simply dropped open and she stood there, utterly speechless, for what seemed an eternity. Then, finally, she gingerly looked the nurse in the face and smiled a little.
"Alright. When do we leave?"

* I know this's short but it's been a long day and I've spent the last six hours editing a newsletter for my Vassar Area Arts Council. I'm bushed. I hope to have more up soon, though*

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Well, just wanted to let everyone know that Part One has been checked, cleaned, and edited again. Will be going through the rest as time permits and getting Part Five up fairly soon. There will also be profiles, world info, and a lot more stuff to come so please be patient and I hope everyone is enjoying this so far.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Where it all began - Part Four

*Here's Part Four. I hope you all enjoy*

The beating seemed to last for hours. Every rib in her body was broken, her kidneys felt weak, and her knees were failing. Her vision was blurry with her own blood and still the hits kept coming, even when she had ceased to feel them. Finally, she collapsed to the ground, coughing and crying as she tried to crawl towards Remy.
The young man was calling her name frantically and trying to fight his way to her but it was far too late. Hits rained down on him like the wrath of the devil himself. Long before he ceased to be able to stand, however, the crowd of assailants parted and Theo appeared. His white outfit only made his undead flesh gleam all the more pale and unearthly. At that moment, there was no way either Alex or Remy would have mistaken him for something that was even remotely alive.
Smug satisfaction filling his face, the vampire raised a pistol that he had been carrying at his side and pointed it point blank at Remy.

"You lose."

He pulled the trigger five times.

The first two shots took Remy in the kneecaps and he screamed in pain, as he collapsed to the ground. The third punctured a lung and the fourth a kidney, leaving Remy writhing and attempting to breathe. A horrible gurgling sound emerged as he rolled onto his stomach and tried to crawl to Alex. The lovely tuxedo that she had picked out for him was now stained almost completely crimson.
Alexandra sobbed uncontrollably and stretched her arms out towards her husband, her lover, desperate to reach him. None impeded their progress, watching on with malicious delight. Alex moved until her body gave out, then reached out with all her might, gazing deep into the haunted eyes of her husband as he did the same. Their fingers were a mere hairsbreadth apart, almost touching. Remy called her name softly, the sound horribly mangled by his fractured breathing. Then, an explosion rocked Alexandra's ears and Remy's beloved face dissolved into a red ruin. The bullet took him in the back of the head and the red blood splattered over Alex's horrified upturned face.

The world seemed to stand still and Alex was frozen in shock and utter despair. Then, she let out a cry that was utterly despondent. It seemed any will she might have had fled with Remy's last breath. Then, Theo was standing over her. He spun her quickly onto her back, his blue violet eyes gazing down at her with mingled satisfaction and sorrow. There was no need for him to hold her down. Her body was too heavy and too numb to respond to even the slightest of her wishes.
"I would have given you everything," the vampire said quietly, "My heart, a place at my side, a city to help rule, eternal life. Anything you wanted would have been yours if you would just have let me love you. Is that such a terrible request, Alex? You're a fool to have thrown it away for someone like Remy LeBlanc."
"Please, Theo!" Alexandra cried weakly, "My baby! I know y'all hate me an' think Ah deserve t'die but please - "
The vampire's face actually softened a bit and he crouched down next to Alex, a sad smile on his face.
"You think I hate you? Is that it, Cherie?" he said softly, gently brushing the hair out of Alexandra's eyes, "I have never hated you, not even now when you beg for the life of that thief's offspring. This hurts me more than you will ever know."
"Then please don't do dis, not now," Alexandra begged, "Give me one month! Let me make sure my baby's born an' taken care of. Long as he's got a good home, y'all can do whatever you want to with me!"
"I'm sorry, Chere, I really am, but this's the way it has to be," the vampire said, slowly getting to his feet and raising the gun with its terrible, final bullet towards the woman he claimed to love, "Goodbye, mon amoure."

There was a thunderous sound and Alexandra's head erupted into a crescendo of agony. Pain reverberated through the woman's body, as she struggled to remain conscious. She wasn't sure how many bullets had pierced her, where they were located, or how deep they had penetrated but she was certain she was going to die. Her body felt cold, distant, as if she were floating somewhere above it, transparent. A small part of Alex railed that she was too young to die, that she had too much to live for, but the majority of her just wanted to let it all end, to escape the pain. She felt her vision failing and, as she sank into darkness, the last thing she saw was the smoking barrel of the gun that had killed her. Alone and drifting in the darkness, she remembered...

Six months later -

Alexandra Lee shot up in bed, a scream of horror and terror frozen inside her. It all came out as nothing but an inarticulate cry. She sobbed wordlessly, the memories assailing her again and again even as the nightmare that had forced her to relive them receded. All around her smoke alarms blared and she gasped as she saw the damage to the room around her. Absolutely everything in the room was blackened, charred, or smoking, all on the verge of bursting into flames. Alex shuddered at how close she had come to setting the place on fire...again.

*Well, I know it's short but I hope it was worth it. More to come soon. *