Thursday, April 1, 2010

Where it all began - Part Four

*Here's Part Four. I hope you all enjoy*

The beating seemed to last for hours. Every rib in her body was broken, her kidneys felt weak, and her knees were failing. Her vision was blurry with her own blood and still the hits kept coming, even when she had ceased to feel them. Finally, she collapsed to the ground, coughing and crying as she tried to crawl towards Remy.
The young man was calling her name frantically and trying to fight his way to her but it was far too late. Hits rained down on him like the wrath of the devil himself. Long before he ceased to be able to stand, however, the crowd of assailants parted and Theo appeared. His white outfit only made his undead flesh gleam all the more pale and unearthly. At that moment, there was no way either Alex or Remy would have mistaken him for something that was even remotely alive.
Smug satisfaction filling his face, the vampire raised a pistol that he had been carrying at his side and pointed it point blank at Remy.

"You lose."

He pulled the trigger five times.

The first two shots took Remy in the kneecaps and he screamed in pain, as he collapsed to the ground. The third punctured a lung and the fourth a kidney, leaving Remy writhing and attempting to breathe. A horrible gurgling sound emerged as he rolled onto his stomach and tried to crawl to Alex. The lovely tuxedo that she had picked out for him was now stained almost completely crimson.
Alexandra sobbed uncontrollably and stretched her arms out towards her husband, her lover, desperate to reach him. None impeded their progress, watching on with malicious delight. Alex moved until her body gave out, then reached out with all her might, gazing deep into the haunted eyes of her husband as he did the same. Their fingers were a mere hairsbreadth apart, almost touching. Remy called her name softly, the sound horribly mangled by his fractured breathing. Then, an explosion rocked Alexandra's ears and Remy's beloved face dissolved into a red ruin. The bullet took him in the back of the head and the red blood splattered over Alex's horrified upturned face.

The world seemed to stand still and Alex was frozen in shock and utter despair. Then, she let out a cry that was utterly despondent. It seemed any will she might have had fled with Remy's last breath. Then, Theo was standing over her. He spun her quickly onto her back, his blue violet eyes gazing down at her with mingled satisfaction and sorrow. There was no need for him to hold her down. Her body was too heavy and too numb to respond to even the slightest of her wishes.
"I would have given you everything," the vampire said quietly, "My heart, a place at my side, a city to help rule, eternal life. Anything you wanted would have been yours if you would just have let me love you. Is that such a terrible request, Alex? You're a fool to have thrown it away for someone like Remy LeBlanc."
"Please, Theo!" Alexandra cried weakly, "My baby! I know y'all hate me an' think Ah deserve t'die but please - "
The vampire's face actually softened a bit and he crouched down next to Alex, a sad smile on his face.
"You think I hate you? Is that it, Cherie?" he said softly, gently brushing the hair out of Alexandra's eyes, "I have never hated you, not even now when you beg for the life of that thief's offspring. This hurts me more than you will ever know."
"Then please don't do dis, not now," Alexandra begged, "Give me one month! Let me make sure my baby's born an' taken care of. Long as he's got a good home, y'all can do whatever you want to with me!"
"I'm sorry, Chere, I really am, but this's the way it has to be," the vampire said, slowly getting to his feet and raising the gun with its terrible, final bullet towards the woman he claimed to love, "Goodbye, mon amoure."

There was a thunderous sound and Alexandra's head erupted into a crescendo of agony. Pain reverberated through the woman's body, as she struggled to remain conscious. She wasn't sure how many bullets had pierced her, where they were located, or how deep they had penetrated but she was certain she was going to die. Her body felt cold, distant, as if she were floating somewhere above it, transparent. A small part of Alex railed that she was too young to die, that she had too much to live for, but the majority of her just wanted to let it all end, to escape the pain. She felt her vision failing and, as she sank into darkness, the last thing she saw was the smoking barrel of the gun that had killed her. Alone and drifting in the darkness, she remembered...

Six months later -

Alexandra Lee shot up in bed, a scream of horror and terror frozen inside her. It all came out as nothing but an inarticulate cry. She sobbed wordlessly, the memories assailing her again and again even as the nightmare that had forced her to relive them receded. All around her smoke alarms blared and she gasped as she saw the damage to the room around her. Absolutely everything in the room was blackened, charred, or smoking, all on the verge of bursting into flames. Alex shuddered at how close she had come to setting the place on fire...again.

*Well, I know it's short but I hope it was worth it. More to come soon. *

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