Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Finally got blog issues sorted out and a good day of writing

Well this has been interesting. I was logged out of my account for a very long time and had no way of recovering or fixing the situation. Now that I have finally managed to fix the issues, I will be able to update with a lot more content.

On a happier note, yesterday was very productive. I have my paperwork filled out for graduation and the oral defense of my thesis and am one step closer to getting my Master's. No words can describe how happy that has made me, especially after being down with pneumonia and not being able to really get much accomplished. Now that I am on LOA from work, I can concentrate on re-configuring my balance of work, school, writing, household duties, social life, and spiritual life. It has been severely out of whack for the last couple of years and I am just now starting to get it all settled how I want it.

I still have job hunting, debt forgiveness for my student loans, and publication options to look into as well as a ton of research on where I will be best able to use my degrees but I am much closer now than I was and I have much more time to get it accomplished than I ever would have before. I can actually devote time to making my career work and making a difference. This makes me happier than I can ever describe. In one day I managed to get all that paperwork done, my dishes, some cleaning, and finish editing on my thesis and my reflective essay that goes with it. Beyond some fine tuning, turning in the paperwork, and paying the fee to process my graduation, it's coming to a rapid close and that is a very good feeling.

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